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Relentless Growth and Answered Prayers

Writer's picture: kara-duncankara-duncan

Motherhood is a vast array of many experiences; one of them being the constant and unstoppable change of growth. I’m overflowing with joy in the next new season of your becoming, in the same moment I’m a bit melancholy to see a childhood season end. Your first year of life was a constant cycle of this lesson.

o The excitement of seeing you learn to hold you own head up; the loss of your irresistibly tiny newborn status.

o The joy of watching you roll over, the shorter amount of time that you nap in my arms.

o The silliness in playing simple games like peek-a-boo, the need no longer for skin-to-skin bonding time.

o Watching you crawl and move around; packing up a small box of binkies and baby toys that you’ve outgrown.

o Pulling yourself to standing position; no longer drinking only bottles for your meals.

o Taking your first steps and walking; packing up a variety of outgrown baby clothes.

You’re thriving in Kindergarten, learning everyday with your natural, inquisitive nature. I’m doing my best to continue to keep up with how fast you grow, change and develop. I strive to be intentional, to cherish our moments and memories that we’re making. I marvel at how well you can draw and what funny jokes you tell.

Recently we sorted through your dress up clothes together, selecting the ones that no longer fit; another reminder of your relentless growth. And there in our pile to sort through was our Tula toddler carrier. Ever since you were a baby, I loved wearing and carrying you close to my heart. As I reviewed the tag it was clear we’d outgrown our need for this as well. You’re getting taller, and as a result heavier, every day. There will come a day that I won’t be able to scoop you up and hold you on my hip. You were a good sport as we tried the Tula on one last time. We laughed at how funny it was to wear now that you’re so big.

That’s the funny thing about motherhood: the constant cheering for your success in your current season as I look back and glance at where we’ve been. While you and others aren’t watching, I can’t help but reflect. I’m so grateful for the memories and how far we’ve come as a family. I’d love to keep you as my baby forever, but I know God is continuing His story through you and it’s my role to keep cheering you on.

Thank you God, for answered prayers. I remember my seasons of years not knowing if I would have my chance. You were faithful to carry me through and I’m heavy with a weight of awe and gratitude.

Thank you God for a front row seat of these milestones. Although it can be difficult to experience each season knowing it’s both my first and my last, I will forever be thankful. From the bottom of my heart, thank you God for answered prayers.

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