The news of my Aunt Martha’s passing has caused me to reflect on her many wonderful attributes. Martha was an avid reader, life long learner, dear family member and someone who appreciated the arts. I loved and admired Aunt Martha for many things, but I most loved her for the fact that she spelled love: T-I-M-E.
Martha spent her time doing the things she loved most:
She spent thousands of hours volunteering and working at Quanada, Salvation Army, Quincy Hospitality House and Quincy Public Library. She found organizations whose mission she was passionate about and spent her valuable time dedicating herself to furthering their cause.
She spent time with her family and showing them love. Martha always had a card in the mail for your birthday or a holiday. And recently she’d begun writing her own witty poems in them which was always a treat. Prior to any visit she spent her time picking out thoughtful gifts and wrapping them in the neatest and cutest way. A way that made you feel so very special, each and every time.
She spent time picking out a pin to wear. Her classic and signature look. When you saw Martha you were always sure to notice and comment on her pin as you know she put a lot of thought and pride into her pieces.
She spent her time doing things she loved. Whether that be enjoying a nice coffee, thrifting, traveling or simply laughing with family or friends. Martha knew how to enjoy life and do the things that made her happy.
She spent her time finding joy and humor in any situation. Martha was always sure to have a sarcastic remark that was sure to evoke a witty exchange that ended up making both parties laugh. Martha never tried to take life too seriously. Her ability to stay lighthearted and find the humor in anything was a gift. She had the most infectious and unique laugh.
Life seems so short in moments like these. But what a gift to be able to look back and see that she spent her time doing what she loved and what mattered most. What a valuable lesson that has been throughout my life and for now my family as well.
Thank you Aunt Martha for the love that you’ve given and the time that you’ve shared. With much love and admiration, Kara
